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Miss Fisher Con 2023

St. Paul, Minnesota || July 27- 29, 2023 

Miss Fisher Con 2023 was held at the Saint Paul Hotel in St Paul, Minnesota from July 27 - 29, 2023. For those who joined us, we were thrilled to see you!

Some changes to the masquerade

This year, we handled the Masquerade a little differently! In past years, we've had folks enter the Masquerade as a costume contest, but we've noticed that some of the best costumes are ones that are worn during sessions! So this year we have a plan to include everything attendees put together, no registration necessary. Think of it more like a celebration than a contest - we want to acknowledge all of the amazing outfits and accessories our attendees wear without limiting ourselves to just one night. 

Here's the plan for this year: During the con, members of the con committee watched for standout costumes and handed out awards in the moment. They watched for outfits in these categories:

  • Showstopper: an ensemble that's recognizable from a show episode or the movie
  • Cosplay Creative: one that's in the spirit of a character with creative license on time period, colors, or materials
  • Terrific Textiler: a homemade outfit inspired by the era (20s or 60s), but not directly connected to the shows or movie
  • Bargain Bundler: an outfit made up of purchased elements inspired by the era (20s or 60s), but not directly connected to the shows or movie
  • Vintage Vixen: a found or purchased vintage ensemble
  • Amazing Accessorizer: at least one standout vintage or retro accessory - hat, gloves, scarf, brooch, etc.

Costumes not your thing? No worries! There's no pressure to dress up at Miss Fisher Con. As Phryne said, we should all dress first and foremost for our own pleasure, so you do you!

Saturday Speakeasy

Con attendees joined us on Saturday, July 29, from 4:00 to 7:00 pm at the Wabasha Street Caves for an afternoon of elegance, fun and history.

Get all the details

Tickets include entrance to the club, complimentary hot and cold hors d’oeuvres, a cash bar, tours of the historic caves led by a costumed guide, and a chance to socialize with others in the Miss Fisher community.

This event required a separate registration from con, and a fee of $55/person. A limited number of tickets were available. 


If you would like to volunteer at a future Miss Fisher Con, we’d love to have you - contact us and we’ll get you in touch with the committee lead!


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The Adventuresses’ Club of the Americas is a 501(c)7 nonprofit social club || Tax ID 82-3221139

Miss Fisher Con, The Miss Fisher Con logos, The Adventuresses’ Club of the Americas, ACotA, and the ACotA logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Adventuresses' Club of the Americas in the US and other countries. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

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